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Top reasons why you should be interested in VAT registration and VAT experts in the UAE

VAT Registration in the UAE |How Specialists Simplify the Process

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Value added tax (VAT) was implemented in 2018 by the UAE government requiring many businesses operating in the country to register. This article provides a start-to-finish while outlining key benefits and reasons registration matters for your business. We also address the value of VAT experts to simplify the process.

Top 5 Reasons VAT Registration is Critical

Before walking through the system, it helps to understand why VAT registration is so important in the UAE:

1. Required by Law to Avoid Major Penalties

Depending on your annual revenues, VAT law legally mandates registration to avoid fines over AED 50,000 and business disruption. Specialists confirm if registration is compulsory for your volumes.

2. Essential for Proper Financial Planning

With VAT impacting budgets and cash flows, registration enables accurately accounting for taxes in projections, pricing models, and financial performance management.

3. Levels the Playing Field

Registered businesses seem more credible to customers. Being unregistered can hurt competitiveness vs. VAT compliant industry peers potentially winning more business.

4. Refund Value Added Tax Previously Paid

Registration lets you recover VAT paid on certain expenses. Reclaiming taxes improves cash flow available for growth.

5. Smoother Operations Overall

With specialist help, registration simplifies business operations. You can factor VAT appropriately into decisions and transactions with clarity on obligations.

Breaking Down the 4 Steps to Register

VAT registration follows a clear sequence of required steps:

Step 1: Assess VAT Registration Eligibility

Not all companies meet minimums for mandatory VAT registration under UAE tax authority rules. Specialists help assess if your:

  • Annual revenues exceed the AED 375,000 threshold
  • Operations fall under a VAT taxable category
  • Business structure triggers registration requirements

If mandatory, not registering risks consequences. If below thresholds, voluntary registration can still benefit companies.

Step 2: Compile All Registration Documentation

To submit your application, the following documents must be gathered:

VAT experts conveniently compile and organize everything required.

Step 3: Submit Registration Request Digitally

The Federal Tax Authority (FTA) portal allows online submission of registration requests. UAE VAT advisors securely input your details and attach supporting files to ease the process.

Step 4: Get VAT Registration Certificate

The FTA will review your request and documentation before issuing an official registration certificate containing your new VAT registration number if satisfied. You must display this publicly.

Value of Leveraging VAT Specialists

Given complex laws and the part-technology based process, VAT experts add significant value:

  • Prevent Penalties – Mistakes mean steep fines, interest charges, and other fees specialists help avoid.
  • Stay Updated – Advisors act as an ongoing radar on regulation changes to ensure continual compliance.
  • Save Time – Experts lift the substantial administrative burden so you can focus on your business.
  • Uncover Savings – Beyond compliance, specialists uncover ways to recover VAT and reduce what you owe using their specialized tax knowledge.


As outlined in this 4-step guide, VAT registration unlocks major advantages for UAE companies both financially and competitively apart from meeting compliance regulations. Support from VAT specialists further smoothes the entire process while uncovering additional savings. Evaluate your obligation to register and leverage experts to expedite the process.


How long does registration approval take?

After application submission, VAT registration approval typically takes 2-4 weeks before authorities issue your certificate. UAE VAT experts help accelerate.

Can I register voluntarily?

Yes, even if below VAT mandatory revenue thresholds, companies can voluntarily register to reclaim VAT on expenses or appear more credible.

What are the penalties for not registering?

Penalties start at AED 50,000 for failing to register when mandated. Interest, fines for late filings, and disruption add up without compliance.

What expenses can I recover VAT on?

Only certain business-related expenses tied to making taxable supplies allow VAT recovery. Specialists maximize refunds you are legally entitled to.



Ms. Vibha Modi, CA, is supported by 13+ Years of Corporate Tax, International Taxation and Accounting Expertise.

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